Is Your Home Safe from Package Theft?
It’s likely that you’ve heard of (or unfortunately, experienced) this burdensome trend – package theft. If you’re lucky enough to not know what package theft is, we’ll fill you in. It’s basically just as it sounds: the act of stealing other people’s delivered packages off their doorstep. The thief doesn’t even have to know what’s…
The 11 Most Amazing Home Theaters (That You Probably Can’t Afford)
Chances are that, if you’re on this website, you are very interested in getting a home theater installed. While we have a variety of installation plans that we can help you with, we also love to help you get inspired. That’s why we’ve culled a comprehensive article showing some of our favorite examples. Hopefully, after…
Meet AllWire Customer Charles
VIDEO TRANSCRIPTION: Hi, I’m Charles and I’m a very happy customer. I called up the company and they walked me through the different options. I had a pretty good idea of what I wanted, but they kind of let me know some things that were also available like all the different options, which was great.…
4 Reasons to Get a Home Security System
To some people, a home security system may seem excessive. After all, you lock your doors when you leave home and live in a safe neighborhood. But the FBI reports that in 2013 (the latest crime stats), there were an estimated 8.6 million property crimes. And although that’s a drop from the previous year, it’s…
Meet AllWire Customer Mark
The customer service of Allwire is awesome. They are so attentive to my needs, in terms of services that I need, my time, my schedule. I have complete access to their services when I need it. I had five TVs to be mounted, as well as installation of the home theater system and the security…
New Website Now Live!
Our New Website is Now Live! The team at Allwire has been hard at work over the last few months putting together a brand new website! We are happy to launch our new site, which we hope is more informational and easier to use! Stay tuned to this blog for news, info, and tips about…